
Find a criminal defense lawyer to avoid serious jail time.

Have you ever been arrested and charged with a crime in Fullerton?  Do you need a legal team to mitigate the legal consequences, secure the case dismissal and reducethe penalty when found guilty?

Criminal defense lawyer.

To avoid damaging your case and jeopardizing your future, you should hire a criminal defense attorney. A criminal defense lawyer Fullerton helps you to secure your release at your bail hearing. They help you to communicate with your family during the difficult time after your arrest.

Qualities of a good criminal defense lawyer.

  1. The number of years the firm has been functional should improve your confidence in the quality of the legal service.
  2. Client-centered. The client should be given priority and the firm should aim at providing solutions to the client’s individual needs.
  3. Provide trusted advice. They should provide strategic and sophisticated legal advice that you can trust.
  4. Superior results. They should work tirelessly to achieve an exceptional outcome for the clients.

Criminal charges.

If you are charged with violation of the law, you will require the service of a criminal lawyer to negotiate a penalty and defend you during a trial.If you are accused of various criminal charges, you should seek a criminal defense lawyer.

  • Drug charges.

This kind of case is dealt with harshly and you may face jail time if convicted. If you are accused of drug possession, manufacturing, and trafficking charges, you should find a criminal lawyer.

  • Assault charges.

You will need a strong defense to avoid severe consequences due to felony and misdemeanor charges.

  • Domestic violence.

If your spouse is injured during the violence you will face a felony charge and a possible jail time. This may cause you to lose access to your children and this can be avoided through experienced legal representation.

  • Theft.

An attorney will defend you against petty theft, larceny, and grand theft hence avoiding felony and a misdemeanor charge.

  • Gang-related crime.

These kinds of charges are severe and you will need the best attorney to defend you.

  • Driving offenses.

You should find a defense attorney if you areinvolved in a hit and run or driving with a suspended license.

Benefits of hiring a criminal defense lawyer.

  1. They track and fill out the paperwork.
  2. They are knowledgeable about the law. They are well trained to understand the law hence know your charges and how they can be reduced.
  3. They save you money. The lawyers save you money by negotiating the fines, fees, and the time spent out of work.
  4. They provide technical andemotionalsupport. You should be able to trust and talk to the lawyer about anything and be assured of privacy.
  5. They offer personalized attention. You may feel uncomfortable sharing the details of your case with your friends and family due to the fear of being judged. A defense attorney will always have your back no matter what.


A criminal charge will jeopardize your rights and freedom. Finding the right criminal defense lawyer will help you to prove your innocence and protect your rights and freedom. A criminal defense lawyer knows how to build a strong defense for your case enabling you to win. There are several benefits of hiring a defense attorney for your case.

Manolo Hilton
the authorManolo Hilton